NVES- From the 1st of January 2025 the new NVES legislation came into effect. This is the Governments draconian legislation to try to force consumers into buying EVs that don’t suit our lifestyles.
It is nothing short of woke platitudes pandering to the Climate Change Cultists. Man made CO2 is not a problem. And Australia is already in a net positive position for CO2 emissions. Our trees alone absorb more than enough CO2 and produce Oxygen
So, what will the NVES legislation mean. It’s a clever attempt by the Government to say they aren’t penalising consumers but rather encouraging manufacturers to bring more EVs into their model range. However, it’s been shown that as consumers we like our SUVs and Utes.
Essentially the legislation means that if a brand doesn’t meet specified CO2 emissions across its model range, then they will be penalised.
Now we all know that the car manufacturers will pass those penalties onto the consumers in higher prices. But the Government can wash their hands and say it wasn’t them.
Its yet another r example of how out of touch the Politicians are with everyday Australians.
This is a Motoring Minute
Im Rob Fraser
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